

Here at Sisters Knead Sweets, we work extremely hard to provide you with quality content and pictures. This is why we hope you understand how important it is to us that our content remains ours. That means we ask that you don’t use our images and content as your own. If you wish to republish one of our recipes, we ask that you link back to our recipe. We sincerely appreciate your discretion with our copyright policy!

If you have any questions that we didn’t answer, send us your question using this contact form, and we will get back to you as soon as possible:)

In addition to our copyright policy, we also would like to reiterate that we are not nutritionists. We provide nutrition facts for convenience, because as blog-goers ourselves, we know how much it is appreciated! We used USDA Supertracker to calculate our nutrition information up until June of 2018. Unfortunately in June 2018, USDA Supertracker was discontinued; therefore, we switched the program we used to calculate nutrition facts. Any recipes published in and after June 2018 used Very WellFit Recipe Nutrition Calculator to calculate the nutrition facts.

Again, if you have any questions, feel free to submit an inquiry using the form above!:) We are happy to answer any questions you my have.

Thank you again for viewing our blog!